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Episode #4

Original Air Date: November 6, 2001

Written By: Mark Verheiden

Directed By: James Frawley

Guest Stars: Lizzy Caplan (Tina Greer), Beverly Breuer (Rose Greer), Tom O'Brien (Roger Nixon), Sarah-Jane Redmond (Aunt Nell)

Fan Reviews of "X-Ray"

"X-Ray" Music:
"Movies" by Alien Ant Farm
"Ooh La La" by the Wiseguys
"Breathe You In" by Stabbing Westward
"Analyse" by The Cranberries
"Unbroken" by Todd Thibaud
"Up All Night" by Unwritten Law
"Wall In Your Heart" by Shelby Lynne

See the Smallville Music page for more information!

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