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Famous Firsts: We meet Chloe Sullivan's father, who works for Luthorcorp's fertilizer plant, in this episode.

Trivia: Most of this episode was actually filmed third, after "Metamorphosis" and before "Hothead." This explains why many scenes from the episode are in the opening credits and why there were promos using "Jitters" scenes which aired afte the showing of the "Pilot" in October 2001. This also may explain the tension in Lana and Whitney's relationship, since in "Craving" there was none at all.

Episode #8

Original Air Date: December 11, 2001

Written By: Cherie Bennett & Jeff Gottesfeld

Directed By: Michael Watkins & Greg Beeman

Guest Stars: Tony Todd (Candyman -- err, Earl Jenkins), Robert Wisden (Gabe Sullivan), John Glover (Lionel Luthor)

Fan Reviews of "Jitters"
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"Jitters" Music:
"Pacific Coast Party" by Smashmouth
"Tie Me Up" by Handsome Devil
"Bad Idea" by Bad Ronald
"The People That We Love" by Bush
"My Bridges Burn" by The Cult

See the Smallville Music page for more information!

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